Friday, June 22, 2007

Take back America, and from whom?

I have been hearing this slogan, "Take Back America" for some time now from liberals. Take it back from whom? And who is going to get it?

Seems to me we still vote for our leaders (for better or for worse) and that the public, for the most part, is uninformed about the issues. It's called delegation. We delegate our power to people who have the time and energy to research and make good decision on our behalf.

But is this happening? I don't think so considering the latest crop of legislation coming down the pike. Politicians have always been and will probably always be doing things in the best interest of... themselves!

Look at Harry Reid in Nevada who used his power to manipulate federal regulations to make his own land deals. And how about Senator Feinstein who was steering government money toward her husband's company? Of course, we have heard about Republican Duke Cunningham's adventures in corrupt politics. And the list goes on and on!

The job of politicians is first and foremost to get re-elected. And why? So they can pass laws for the rest of us from which they are exempt! So to take back America is a ludicrous statement. If we really wanted to take it back we would abolish most of the government, cut programs and roll back all the regulations and taxation that we now "enjoy"!

So it seems to me, the ones that are using that catch phrase want to take back America to the socialism that was repealed by conservatives who want government OUT of our lives.

Less government sounds good to me.

Mick O.

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