Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Environmental nuttiness

Here's a story for you. We bought a property in the Lake Tahoe area because it's a beautiful get away. But the environmental agencies abound up there trying to keep things from being developed. Good enough.

But then you have the Sierra Club who has lawsuits to keep the Forest Service from cutting or removing dead trees from the forest. So what happens this week? There's a fire which is worse than it should be because of all the extra dead wood in the area.

So what happens because of this bad fire? Smoke. Smoke that fills the air and affects air quality. Air quality that the Sierra Club is worried about!

Every time people try and control nature by laws and restrictions, they end up making it worse by the unforseen consequences. So now tree-hugging environmentalists who love clean air and clean water have ruined the air quality in one of the most beautiful places in California!!!

Mick O.

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