Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Intellectual honesty about the war in Iraq

There are a lot of reasons for both Democrats and Republicans to dislike Bush.

On the Democrat side, they hate just about anything that is policy. It's understandable since Bush's approval numbers are so low (with the help of the media accomplices) that they would jump on the dog pile and start kicking.

And Republicans are angry by his increased spending, growing of government and his position on illegal amnesty. Granted, a lot of the Republicans are of the same mind when dealing with "undocumented workers", but real conservatives are unhappy with his position.

While the consensus is understandable, what is not is the way Republicans are looking at the war. Just because the media has made it unpopular (and I think the polls are manipulated to show that the US is getting tired of being in Iraq... but mainly because we haven't won the war decisively!)

It is easy to look back and say we "should have done this" or "should not have done that". Hindsight is always 20-20. But are we being led by a bunch of sheep? Do they look at the polls and decide where to stand on the issues? Where is their intellectual honesty that we have never fought a war like this and didn't know what to expect? Mistakes are part of war, even in the ones we win!

Our mistake was not going in and taking out everything and then building it back from the ground up like we did in Germany and parts of Japan. This half-measures approach has cost a lot of men their lives. But I still support the decision to go in and take Saddamn out! And at least one conservative voice of those running for president should be saying that.

It is for this reason that I am pretty sure Republicans won't win the White House in 2008. They are too divided on the issues. And even though is mad at Hillary, there's a good chance she will be our next commander in chief, proving once again that the Clintons live under a lucky star.

Mick O.

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