The most recent outrage is Danny Glover hanging out with Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. Apparently Glover has angered many people in that country because Chavez sent a ton of money the actor's way to make a movie that the locals feel could have been better spent by the people of Venezuela. Which leads me to this point.
Socialists like Glover, Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Alec Baldwin and Ed Asner (to name a few... anyone notice the common denominator???) want to change the US to socialism (Asner is a Communist by his own admission). My suggestion is this; why not go to a country that already HAS communism/socialism as its policy instead of taking a country that was founded on opposite principles and change it? After all, if living under a dictatorship is so wonderful, why not move to Venezuela or Cuba or some other socialist country and leave those of us who want FREEDOM alone?
It amazes me that a country with the track record of success that the USA has with all its freedoms can constantly be assaulted by people who think they have a better idea… as if these ideas haven’t already been tried. Communism worked pretty well for the Soviet Union, didn't it? Oops, I forgot. That country collapsed under the weight of its policies! And look at Cuba... what a wonderful place it has become under the despot dictator, Fidel Castro. I hear there are a few streets that have holes where the whole car doesn't fall into! (People blame the US embargo for Cuba's plight, but every other country in the world trades with them, so it has to be something else that's wrong. Want to guess, anyone?)
I see Michael Moore has a new movie that bashes the United States (usually conservatives, not liberals like himself) that I will not want to see, just as I wasn’t able to stomach “Bowling for Columbine” or that piece of trash, “Fahrenheit 911”. But I can see from the previews that it is another arrogant socialist hit piece aimed at Bush. Fortunately, we live in a free country (sort of) and I can choose NOT to see it. I'm sure the mind numbed robots who flocked to see his other movies will enjoy this one just as much.
And what about all these politicians who are pushing a lot of socialist ideas? Since when is everyone in the United States guaranteed health insurance? And how is anything the government going to come up with going to be a good thing that will work? I mean, just the sheer economics of it guarantee failure. If we can't pay for our health costs by ourselves, how is pooling our money by way of taxes going to do any better? First we have to pay for that huge, expensive, bureaucracy we have been talking about to manage the system, then how much money will actually be left over to put toward health care? Can you say deficit spending (again)? Run a company like this, and it would go out of business in the first month.
Finally, has anyone listened to Hillary lately? Her latest rant is she's going to, and I paraphrase, "take things away from certain people and give them to others who will use them properly." First, who is going to decide who these certain people are, and who will decide what is proper use? If you think you are going to be one of them, think again!
Mick O.
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