Tuesday, May 29, 2007

So called "experts" on the news

Has anyone else notice that suddenly EVERYONE has become an expert. Jane Fonda, who never served in the military is now an expert on the war and how it compares to Viet Nam. Jimmy Carter, one of the worst presidents in our history, is called upon to name President Bush the worst president in history... Wait maybe the DOES make sense.

Today, President Bush imposed sanctions against the Sudanese because of the violence in Darfur. Immediately after playing the sound byte, the news put on an "expert" who said it was too little too late and what Bush should... Should is for losers. You can't go back in time and should have done anything other than how you did it. It's unfortunate something wasn't done sooner, but Republicans (especially Bush) are damned if they do and damned if they don't according to the media.

So now it goes to the UN where China is expected to veto the sanctions, therefore making the resolution worthless. Once again, nothing gets done about Darfur, but it's not Bush's fault! Blame the UN.

Mick O.

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