Saturday, May 26, 2007

Immigration bill? HA!

This latest attempt by congress to pass this "immigration bill" is a fraud. First of all, most of the people who are coming across our border illegally are not here because they want to be citizens. They want to cash in on our FREE services (MediCare, Social Security, health care, food stamps, etc.) while earning money (tax FREE) that they can wire back to their home countries.

As an American who pays taxes, I am insulted. I have a friend who has a Chinese wife who has to jump through hoops to get her into this country legally and other friends who have immigrated the right way only to have our government bend over backwards to let these people come across our borders illegally and give them "amnesty".

Sure, they are proposing a fine and some other silly bureaucratic nonsense, but it will mean nothing since it only applies to immigrants who want to become citizens! Since it imposes a fine for those who wish citizenship, who's to say it may even be a deterrent to them becoming citizens?

This bill is insulting, and our representatives should be told so! Our here in California, we're doomed since we have the most liberal senators and congress women, but the rest of the country can speak up. California really doesn't lead the nation as they believe. They are out to destroy it!

Mick O.

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