Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Robert Kennedy Jr. - What has he ever done???

I heard Robert Kennedy Jr. calling those of us who don't believe in man made global warming traitors... I get it. Any time you disagree with the current administration, that's being patriotic (rants Hillary Clinton) but not when you disagree with people who are disagreeing!!!

Wow, that's so convoluted, I almost can't follow the logic! What has Kennedy done himself that wasn't subsidized by his family's fortune? He bashes big nameless corporations who have contributed more in jobs and benefits to the common good than he ever will as an environmental "toady" speaking in front of a bunch of groupies at "Live Earth".

Here's an example of a "have" speaking to a bunch of "have nots" trying to convince them that he is one of them. What a hypocrite. He has been living off his family's trust fund for years to subsidize his "day job" and he has the nerve to call us traitors?

Mr. Kennedy, take your raspy voiced ramblings and go away. And take your fat, bloated uncle Ted with you!

Mick O.

1 comment:

Mick O. said...

See my eloquent reply at http://howthemedialies.townhall.com/Default.aspx. It will blow your socks off, if you even wear any!

Mick O.