Monday, July 2, 2007

Media lies - John Edwards - where's the real story?

Edwards may be the most vacant candidate the Democrats have to offer. He was unsuccessful at regaining his seat in congress, and as is par for the party of asses, failures rise to the top. (Look at failed Oakland mayor, Jerry Brown's rise to higher California state office if you doubt me!)

First of all, why is John Edwards hiding behind his wife's skirt? We are hearing more from her than we are from him. She is constantly on the air defending her husband's remarks.

He has said the Bush policy of the NSA wiretaps, Guitmo, torture (though not his policy but the media lets Democrats get away with this broad statement; another LIE!) and the list goes on. He says that the "war on terror" is a bumper sticker, and everything Bush has done is wrong. But he'll get the bad guys!

Why isn't the media asking, "How? If you're not using any of the known tactics that seem to work like interrupting the recent terrorist plots then what secret weapon are you going to use to catch them?" Maybe peanut butter on mouse traps?

Mick O.

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