Monday, July 2, 2007

Gore might be just what the Republicans need to return to the White House!

Gore has proven that he is boring and only appeals to the liberal left wing kooks who support his man-made global warming theory. He helped Democrats lose in 2000 with his inability to connect with the American people as did John Kerry did in 2004. Bush was totally beatable and they blew it by fielding the luniest of candidates to run against him.

So word is that Gore is planning another run... Right, like he can win THIS time! If he can't win decisively coming off the popular presidency of Bill Clinton, then he certainly can not win in the current political climate.

The grassroots turn back of the recent immigration debacle shows that many people are now paying attention. Conservative talk radio is at an all time high and informing people on issues that the mainstream media is not. If people are paying attention then they will choose whoever has the best approach to our country's security. And it is not Al Gore OR John Edwards (as noted in a previous post).

So if Gore gets in and wins the nomination, it will be the best thing that could happen to the Republican party. I think even McCain could win against him, though it might hinge on Florida!

Mick O.

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