Tuesday, July 17, 2007

GOODBYE - I'm posting on townhall.com!

This will be the last post for me here at blogger. I will now be posting ONLY at http://howthemedialies.townhall.com/Default.aspx. Thanks for reading!

Mick O.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Paper or Plastic? How about salmonella?

Some of you may remember the old days when groceries left the grocery store in paper bags. Sometimes the contents were so heavy it required double bags.

Then the environmental movement got into the picture and protested that too many trees were being cut down every year to make paper bags and insisted we go to something else.

So grocery stores changed to plastic bags. It was a major inconvenience because the thin plastic containers did not hold their shape in the trunk and would cause them to collapse to spill their contents making the cans of soup roll around on the drive home!

After a time, people got used to the plastic and worked around their shortcomings. Some, like me, even preferred them over paper because almost all of the groceries could be carried up in one load to the kitchen by looping the handles of multiple bags in one hand.

Now that paper is pretty much out of the picture, plastic has become the villain. Probably because these bags are a product of the "evil oil companies", environmentalists are now targeting them for extinction.

Nowhere else is environmental luncay more apparent than in San Francisco where the Mayor has outlawed water in plastic bottles because it causes too much pollution. Never mind the fact that we have this expensive federal and state recycling program in place that adds taxes to all our products! No, no, now the City is poised to outlaw plastic bags in grocery stores by adding a tax for using them.

What's the solution? Go to any grocery store in the Bay Area and you will now see reuasable cloth tote bags with the store's logo printed on them that YOU CAN BUY to carry home your groceries. Can you believe it?

I am already paying for my groceries which have a "tax" built into the price of the items to cover the cost of the bagging materials, and now they want me to BUY my own tote bags? And this is going to save the planet from global warming? GIVE ME A BREAK!

And what if, in my trip to the car, the dozen eggs in my bag accidentally get broken and leak into the bottom? Can anyone say salmonella? Sure, I am smart enough to know that I need to wash it out. But what about the poor and uneducated?

For them we'll need to set up a bureau of tote bag safety to hold classes to teach people the ins and outs of carrying groceries. Don't laugh. Big government liberals will try to implement something like this. Coming soon to a grocery store near you!

Mick O.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Why does anyone think the government can solve ANYTHING?

Let me start off by saying that I am all for handicapped people having all the rights as everyone else, but why do we need a government program mandating things like parking places and toilets?

In some places too many parking spaces are set aside for the handicapped that are rarely used, if ever. We have been in parking lots where all the handicapped spots were used, and those with disabilities were forced to park a block or more away because the lot was so full. So who decides how many spaces are enough? Some government bureaucracy in Washington who have no idea how many spaces are needed? Is there a calculation based on the number of handicapped people in a given city or is it done by places they are more likely to shop? See where I am going with this? How can any government agency, local or federal, make an intelligent decision on the number of spaces needed? Perhaps it would be better left to the business owner, who is now under a mandate to provide a certain number of handicapped parking places whether he needs them or not. If he or she dooesn't have enough and wants more, tough.

Now let's talk about toilets. Our San Francisco office has only one urinal in its men's room. And because there is only one, it must be the handicapped type. I used to think these were low so that children could easily use them (though they are low for those in wheelchairs) and it didn't bother me when I had a choice. But in this case it is the only one to use. What's the result? Splashing, that's what! Thus, the floor ends up sticky around the urinal, not because men can't aim as has been accused by women, but that urine hitting the water in the urinal causes splashing onto the floor. If it doesn't hit the floor, then it ends up on the user's suit pants! This also has been managed by the same government agency.

So what I want to know is this: can anyone name one government program that has solved the problem that it was set up for? Here are a few:
  • Rent control? No!
  • Minimum wage? No!
  • War on poverty? No!

Can you imagine if we look to them to manage health care? And the bigger they get, the worse they are!

Mick O.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Where's Murtha's apology?

Republicans need LEADERSHIP!

While Democrats are eating their own, the Republican party is in no better shape! All these idiot congressmen are running around turning against the war in Iraq because they are sticking their fingers in the air and seeing which way the wind is blowing! FIRE THEM and the Democrats too! Am I the only one who can see that they are getting NOTHING done except to pass legislation that only limits our freedom. Besides, they are spending most of their time harassing the Bush administration with meaningless non-binding resolution!

Bush has lost his influence and more Republicans have deserted ship. Someone needs to bring them back around. I would suggest this is exactly why the donations are WAY DOWN. They deserve to LOSE, but the Democrats are no better. The 2006 elections show that.

Both parties have left me!

Mick O.

It's just sex!

Wasn't that the line when Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and coaxing other people to lie for him? "It's just sex!" No, it's about a LIE under oath.

But Senator David Vitner, a Republican from Louisiana, had his number on a D.C. Madam's telephone list... and that IS ABOUT SEX!

If he were a Democrat, that would be a resume enhancement!

Mick O.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Robert Kennedy Jr. - What has he ever done???

I heard Robert Kennedy Jr. calling those of us who don't believe in man made global warming traitors... I get it. Any time you disagree with the current administration, that's being patriotic (rants Hillary Clinton) but not when you disagree with people who are disagreeing!!!

Wow, that's so convoluted, I almost can't follow the logic! What has Kennedy done himself that wasn't subsidized by his family's fortune? He bashes big nameless corporations who have contributed more in jobs and benefits to the common good than he ever will as an environmental "toady" speaking in front of a bunch of groupies at "Live Earth".

Here's an example of a "have" speaking to a bunch of "have nots" trying to convince them that he is one of them. What a hypocrite. He has been living off his family's trust fund for years to subsidize his "day job" and he has the nerve to call us traitors?

Mr. Kennedy, take your raspy voiced ramblings and go away. And take your fat, bloated uncle Ted with you!

Mick O.